One of the essential basketball skills is shooting. A good shooter can make a significant difference on the court, and individual shooting drills in basketball are an effective way to improve your individual skillset. They will help you with everything from your form to your confidence while helping you become a better player. But we must first understand what shooting drills are.

What is a shooting drill in basketball?

A “shooting drill” in basketball refers specifically to individual drills that help players improve their skillset when practicing in a basketball training facility.

Basketball individual drills are exactly what they sound like: one player doing some skill work that’s typically focused on their shot (more specifically, an individual’s jump shot).

These drills include free throws and layups, but also involve more technical actions, such as practicing your form or having someone critique it for you.

Why do you need to practice individual shooting drills?

Individual basketball shooting drills will help improve your form and technique. They also allow you to focus on yourself instead of worrying about what other people are doing (or trying not to get in their way). It’s tough for most people to try out new stuff while playing with others because they’re worried that it might mess up how someone else is handling things-even if they don’t know each other! This can lead them to ignore or avoid working on individual skill sets, but this is a big mistake. These individual drills serve as an excellent foundation for all sorts of team-based too, so working extra at these individual drills in your indoor basketball facility can really help you out on the court.

9 individual shooting drills to make you a better basket player.

These 9 individual shooting drills are some of the best ways to improve your shots! You can practice both at your training facility or home with a home basketball machine.

  • Ray Allen Shooting Drill. This shooting drill involves a player shooting a certain number of shots from different spots on the floor. The drill is named after Ray Allen, who used it when he played for the University of Connecticut Huskies under coach Jim Calhoun in 1996–97. During this season, they won the NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championship.
  • Short-Long Shooting Drill-In this type of basketball shooting drill, three lines are set up across the court at different distances from the basket. Then you have a line of players at each station. The first player in the lineup shoots from close range, then moves back to midcourt and the next closest line. Finally, they will shoot from a long distance.
  • Drop Step Shooting Drill-This individual shot training exercise targets players’ ability to score off a drop step move that creates space between them and their defender just before catching a pass or driving into scoring range. It is beneficial if you want to improve your finishing around the hoop with contact.
  • 555 Shooting Drill-This drill is designed to perfect the jump shot of a player who likes to release their shots at three-quarter height. The goal here is for players to maintain their shooting form as they rise into their jumps. It can be helpful when working with an off-guard, small forward, or wing because it helps them change things up during practice and keeps defenders guessing.
  • Three-Point Shooting Drill-A good drill for practicing quick catch and shooting outside shots from a long range. It’s also helpful in developing rhythm when coming around screens before using head fakes and step-backs to create space between you and your defender.
  • Spot Up Shooting Drill-A drill that can be used when you want to work on catching and shooting in stride after coming off screens. The shooter should square up with the basket, catch the pass at their optimum speed (this is different for everyone), then put it down quickly before rising for a jump shot.
  • Catch and Shoot Shooting Drill-A drill can be used when you want to catch and shoot in stride after coming off screens. The shooter should square up with the basket, catch the pass at their optimum speed (this is different for everyone), then put it down quickly before rising for a jump shot.
  • Pull-up Jumper Shot. The pull-up jumper shot revolves around catching and shooting in the same motion but with a pull-up jumper. This drill is excellent for practicing when you want to catch and shoot or get an extra step toward the basket before taking your shot.
  • Free Throw Line Jumper Shot. The free-throw line jumper shot revolves around catching and shooting with no dribble used at all (basically it’s like doing a layup). It can be done off of one foot or two feet depending on what is comfortable for you. This works well if you’re looking to improve your overall touch without having to worry about using too much force while making contact with the ball, which could result in missing shots.

What can you use in your shooting drills?

Now that you’ve learned about various shooting drills and how they can help you improve your game, it’s time to know what you can use to level up and become a better shooter. We recommend regularly practicing with Dr Dish basketball shooting machine. It is designed to bring your home and backyard basketball training to a whole new level.


As you can see, many different types of drills will help improve each aspect of your game, so if you’re looking for more than just shooting in the gym with friends, consider incorporating some individual drills into your home workout routine!